So a few months ago liz and I joined an organization called Love 146. It helps to abolish child sex slavery and human trafficking. Basically it is a very large organization that was started by an American guy and you can go online onto their website ( and start a task force of your own in any country that you are in. It can have as many members as you would like and you register with the organization and then get a series of modules that you have to study and educate yourself on the statistics and facts involved by having weekly meetings and then once the course work is done you hold a fundraising event to try and raise $1000.
We decided to do a scavenger hunt. We held it at one of the foreigner bars downtown and got many companies to sponsor us with some awesome trips and prizes. Basically people had to get into teams of four and then we gave them a scavenger hunt list that we came up with that they had two hours to complete. A lot like the scavenger hunt I took part in last year that I posted about except this time we changed rules and came up with new challenges. We also sold raffle tickets for the participants to buy to win some extra prizes.
I am very proud to say that we raised about R18 000 or about $1800 dollars :) way over the target!
I seriously urge anyone that has extra time to look into this organization and if you can start a task force of your own that would be amazing. I have learnt so much through this process and it has opened my eyes to realities that more people need to be aware of! I really hope to get further involved in topic while travelling and hopefully volunteering wherever I can. By starting task forces you can also meet lots of new people and discuss eye opening ideas and opinions which really change the way that you see the world.
I was lucky enough to have an amazing team of individuals in my task force, so here are a few photos of these awesome people and the day of the event.
Before the event we held an introductory presentation about the organization and everything it stands for to try and get people to sign up to take over the next taskforce. |
Or awesome team! Jase, Me, Liz, Andrea, Brennan (behind in the hat is Colin) |
If you want to learn some more about it all you have to do is Google Love 146 and you'll get all the information you need. Even just taking a look at the videos on their site is well worth your time!!
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